Long-term Care
Our long-term care program offers compassionate care for those whose health needs prevent them from remaining at home. Directed by a team of skilled clinicians including nurses, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, the needs of our long-term residents are met on a person-to-person basis and include daily medical management and assistance with activities of daily living.
Though different from the home they have left behind, we honor the opportunity to help our residents and families create a new home with us. Understanding that each individual is markedly different, we cater to each resident’s unique needs and preferences, be they medical, social or emotional.
Our restorative team works closely with the rehabilitation department to design individual programs for walking, strengthening, range of motion, pain management, and group exercises. Our long-term care program offers specialized nursing care, therapeutic recreational activities and supportive social services, all geared toward optimal health and well-being. In addition, a licensed physician works with our nursing professionals to monitor the changing needs of each of our residents.