
Pandemic Quiet Provided a Contrast to Our Noisy Life

As stay-at-home orders went into place, the streets were virtually deserted. Businesses and industries suspended production. Airlines canceled flights. Live music at bars and concert arenas ceased. Even 4th of July fireworks were called off.

That resulted in a quieter world! Massachusetts General Hospital cardiologist told the American Heart Association that at the beginning of the shutdown, human-created noise was cut by half, an unprecedented quieting.

A study published in the journal Science used seismic readings to show that as the lockdown began in 2020, the noise level around the world decreased notably. In another study, University of Michigan environmental health scientists used the data from volunteer Apple Watch users. ā€œPeopleā€™s exposure to environmental noise dropped nearly in half during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic,ā€ they confirmed.

While many people commented that the sudden silence was eerieā€”ā€œlike a post-apocalyptic movie,ā€ some opinedā€”many others also observed that the quiet was peaceful. And our ears were surely thanking us for the lower decibel level, as well.

Noise harms our health in many ways

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 26 million people in the U.S. have hearing loss that is directly related to noise exposure. ā€œLoud noises can injure the delicate sensory cellsā€”known as hair cellsā€”in the inner ear,ā€ said NIH experts. ā€œThese cells allow us to detect sounds. But when hair cells are damaged and then destroyed by too much noise, they donā€™t grow back. So hearing is permanently harmed.ā€

The effect can be immediate. ā€œNoise-related hearing loss can arise from extremely loud bursts of sound, such as gunshots or explosions, which can rupture the eardrum or damage the bones in the middle ear,ā€ they said. But, they noted, ā€œMost noise-related hearing problems develop slowly over time, with ongoing exposure to loud sounds.ā€

Hearing loss increases the risk of falls and leads to social isolation, anxiety, and depression. And it is hard on the brain, making it difficult to retain memories as we struggle to hear. ā€œThe strain of decoding sounds over the years may overwhelm the brains of people with hearing loss, leaving them more vulnerable to dementia,ā€ says Johns Hopkins neuroscientist Dr. Frank Lin.

Damage to our hearing is only the beginning. Noise can disturb our sleep. It is distracting and stressful. The American Heart Association says this noise-related stress raises the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and, as Dr. Lin noted, Alzheimerā€™s disease and other types of dementia.

Tips for lowering our exposure to noise

As our country is coming back to normal, weā€™ll gradually experience more noise. Here are things we can do:

Reduce your personal exposure to very loud sounds. Some of these noisy situations are obviousā€”gunfire, fireworks, construction equipment, power tools, noisy yard tools, and of course, sitting near the front at rock concerts. Noises that are somewhat less loud might be safe for brief periods but can damage hearing over time. This might be sitting in traffic, a barking dog, a hairdryer, loud music at your fitness class, or noise at a sports event

Use hearing protection if you are exposed to these types of noises. See those professionals in loud situations? The crew at that rock concert, the construction worker with the jackhammer, the instructor at the gun rangeā€”they are most likely wearing earplugs, protective earmuffs, or other hearing protectors. You should too!

If you use earbuds or a headset to listen to media, keep the volume at a safe level. Experts say that these days, many people are exposed to dangerously high decibels while listening to their devices. During the pandemic and even in normal times, that is the top source of excessive noise exposure for some people. Turn down the volume, and consider using noise-canceling headphones so you can still hear at a lower volume.

Sound-proof your space. Wall padding, rugs, even built-in bookcases can make a room quieter and reduce noise from outdoors. A fan or white noise machine can also help. Seal gaps indoors and around electrical outlets. Consult your local home improvement shop for more ideas.

Seek out quiet places. Especially if youā€™re a city dweller, it might be hard to find silent spots. Take a trip to the park. If museums are open, seek tranquility there. And when itā€™s safe to go to a restaurant again, choose one where you can hear your companionsā€”and hear yourself think!

Create portable quiet. Noise-canceling headphones can cut down on noise. Just be sure not to use them when you need hearing to keep youā€”when driving, walking, or cycling, or any time you need to be able to hear approaching vehicles or other hazards.

Source: IlluminAge with information from the American Heart Association, University of Michigan, the National Institutes of Health, Science, and Johns Hopkins Medical Center

The information in this article is not intended to replace the advice of your hearing care professional. Talk to your doctor about screenings you should have, and report any symptoms of hearing problems.

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